Va-Design maneuvering speed Vc-Design cruising speed Vfe-Maximum flap extended speed Vle-Maximum landing gear ext. speed Vlo-Maximum landing gear ext. operating speed Vlof-Lift-off speed Vne-Never exceed speed Vno-Max. structural cruising speed Vr-Rotation speed Vso-Stalling speed in landing configuration Vx-Speed for best angle of climb Vy-Speed for best rate of climb Best speed for approach Raising & lowering landing gear in water Best approach speed for short field landing
85 90 80 None None 53 120 100 50 38 60 65 70 Dead Slow 62
Flaps 20/30°
Flaps 20° Flaps 30° Flaps 20° Flaps 10° Flaps 20/30° Engine at Idle Flaps 20/30°